So you fancy yourself a trail runner huh? You like to climb,
feel the burn in your legs, then bomb the descents right? You think your pretty
badass I take it? Well then, why don’t you go run the inaugural Breakneck Trail
Marathon and 25K up in the Hudson Highlands? You’ll be fine it’s ONLY a
marathon. (insert facepalm) This was the voice inside my head rattling around.
I kept thinking of that classic Bruce Willis quote in the original Die Hard
movie, “come out to the coast, we’ll get together, have a few laughs.”
The Breakneck Point Trail Marathon and 25K is put on by Ian
Golden owner of Red Newt Racing based in Ithaca, NY. They put on such great
trail events as Cayuga 50 and of course Virgil Crest just to name a few. The website states that Breakneck will have “a
cumulative elevation gain on par with SkyRun marathons, and a few of the
steepest ascents and descents of any trail race in the country”. That description
is clearly laying down the challenge that this race is not for the faint of
heart and not for beginner trail runners. It’s basically a mountain race not
even a trail race. To put it in perspective, the marathon had a final gain of
10,900 VF and the 25K had a mere 5,700 and change as shown on my 310XT. So race
day was here and it was time to “run steep and get high!”
I signed up when it first opened up on ultra signup after hearing
about it from Dylan over on the TrailWhippass FB page. I figured it would be a
grueling but fun training run with a chance to get some serious vert on my legs
heading into Dirty German 50. I have never been to the area let alone run here
but the pictures from the top of Breakneck Point were amazing. I knew it would
be the most difficult race for me to date due to the elevation changes but
little did I realize just what I had signed up for. Staring at the elevation
chart it was obvious the climbs were going to be brutal. In my head I was
fixated on getting through the climbs and then being able to run whatever flats
there were and even running the descents. That was my plan. Yea right good luck
with that plan, insert facepalm here you stupid.. stupid man.
I arrived at the Settlement Camp after a long 135 minute
drive and jumped in line for the porty potty. It was here I met Ron Kappus from
New Jersey. We both have many mutual friends and got to talking. We run the
same trails at Trexler Preserve and we talked about him running the Tammany 10
over the winter. He’s also running MMT100 so in hindsight this was perfect
training for a rocky course such as MMT. But that’s one of the best parts of
these small grass roots races, you always get a chance to meet familiar faces
and have great conversation. I then picked up my bib and went to my car to get
my gear ready. It was here I realized the girl gave me bib #1.
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Not sure how I pulled this number. |
I was a little taken aback by that. I am in no way worthy of wearing that number, I’m a mid pack runner on my best day but more like a back of the packer on most days. On this course I was way in the back. I really should have walked that bib back and requested a different number but I was trying to get everything ready and really was not thinking totally clear. It made for a good story and some of the volunteers at the aid stations were shocked to say the least when I rolled up. I certainly got some flack for it. "Hey look guys here comes #1 what a badass!" It was all in good fun. While getting ready at my car I was also parked right next to Matt Imberman another TrailWhippass member from Brooklyn. We quickly exchanged greetings and wished each other a great race.
Miles 0-2.6
I got in line at the start and Ian then welcomed
everyone and gave a quick pre race greeting. We were then off up the grassy
field and into the woods to start the first 1,000 ft climb for the next two and
half miles. I loved how the climbing started immediately. No mile or so of
blacktop to warm up on. I really wasn’t running here it was more like a fast
power hike and the trail was on par with a rocky ATV type service road once we
left the initial wooded area at the base of the mountain. It was a nice long
grinding type of climb but nothing like what lye ahead. It was rocky with
various wet spots from flowing streams but very runnable if you were fit enough.
I opted to hike it to warm up with a few spurts of running when we entered a
clearing and ran along the power line easement. I felt good. I felt like this
was going to be a great day and the weather was phenomenal with clear blue
skies and temps forecasted to top out at eighty! I am not a hot weather runner,
I prefer the cold but I didn’t even think about the oncoming heat. I was just
thrilled to be exploring a new place with spectacular views and good vibes. It
was almost as if the mountain was tempting me like the mythical Sirens of Greek
mythology that would lure nearby sailors with their enchanting music and voices
to shipwreck on the rocky coast of their island. The mistress of the mountain was
luring me in and I followed right along.
When I was ten years old I had a much older stepbrother and
our bedrooms were adjacent to one another’s. He was your classic 1980’s badass
metal head equipped with chain wallet and tech school credentials. He would
blast Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Ozzy and Dio from his room while entertaining
his many girl friends. I remember Dio’s tune Holy Diver vividly. The album
cover was really pretty cool as well to a ten year old. To this day I have a
fondness for the old metal bands from back in the day. Holy Diver came on my
playlist on the long drive home and strangely some of the lyrics seem fitting
to this course.
“Shiny diamonds
Like the eyes of a cat in the black and blue
Something is coming for you”
Like the eyes of a cat in the black and blue
Something is coming for you”
Miles 2.6-7.1 aid station
At the top of the first climb was a great view of the Hudson
River down below. I quickly snapped a picture and downed some tailwind. I took
a breather for a minute before running on. We then had a 1,000 foot descent for
a few miles down to the highway 9D. This portion of trail was run able albeit
pretty rocky and technical but I enjoyed it. It was steep and slow going.
Replaying the race in my head I’m pretty sure I ran a little to hard here
because the cumulative effect of blown quads was coming head on like a runaway
freight train. This is where having local knowledge of the course probably
would have helped me plan better. I was also exerting much more energy then I
normally do. My heartrate monitor that I always wear was showing I was hitting
zone 4 which was not what I wanted. The heat was creeping in, the heartrate was
high, I was sweating a ton, and I was slamming my quads on the first descent.
“Race for the morning
You can hide in the sun 'till you see the light
Oh we will pray it's all right”
You can hide in the sun 'till you see the light
Oh we will pray it's all right”
I popped out at the road right along the Hudson River and
ran up to the first aid station. The volunteers here were great. I heard a
little razing about my bib number from one of them and I was smiling and
apologizing for it. It was a great station. Volunteers really make a race and
they deserve the thanks and smiles. This is the start of the signature climb
right at the tunnel. A volunteer was coming down the path from the cliff
scramble reminding the runners to stay focused and breath. I wasn’t
understanding that until I passed him and looked up. I know I muttered “jesus
christ” under my breath when I laid eyes on that monster.
Another 1,000 foot climb basically vertically to the top and
I hate heights. I knew my heartrate was really elevated here and I was burning
through calories like crazy on this climb. My tank was quickly emptying and the
race just barely started. This climb has false summits which was demoralizing
and would slowly strip your will from your grasp. The boulders increased in
size the higher you climbed. They started out basketball size, then washing
machine size, then you were scrambling over car size slabs eight hundred feet
above the river. You just gotta love it! It was here where the true suffering
began and it was only mile six. This mile took me forty seven minutes. After
much climbing and sweating I reached to what I thought was the top but it was
just really the halfway point to the summit. The view here was spectacular, it
was precarious but simply breathtaking. I definitely hung here for a few
moments just to soak that glorious view in. I snapped some pictures, chugged
some more tailwind, and continued on to the summit. I finally reached the top
only to look down to see the descent. No rest for the weary. The descent looked
like boulders leading all the way down to the hollow. It was here I ran into
the RD, Ian. How cool was that to see the race director just climbing
effortlessly up to the point to check on things. He gave me great words of encouragement
and some tips on the trail descending all the way down. I shock his hand and
thanked him and I said “hey how about a trailfie?” His words really gave me a
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This joy would end quickly on the brutal descent that followed. |
“Jump on the tiger
You can feel his heart but you know he's mean”
You can feel his heart but you know he's mean”
After I left Ian and started the descent it soon became
clear to me that I was already on the back of a big nasty cat. I was riding the
tiger and hopefully he didn’t spin around and rip my face off. I was officially
on the hardest course imaginable and it was only getting more difficult. This
course was unlike anything I have ever run on. I like climbs, I like rocks, but
I am also used to having some miles on a course were you can make time up and
open up your stride and get in a groove. I was finding it nearly impossible to
run on this course or get into any kind of rhythm. It was technical to an
extreme level. I just wasn’t prepared for it. Gone were the thoughts of running some sweet
buttery single track in between the climbs. There was to be none of that. These
were my thoughts running across the little foot bridge into the mile 8 aid
station. This tiger is one mean SOB.
Miles 7.1-11.5 aid
I gathered myself and
slammed Gatorade, refilled my bottles, and half a banana. Again the volunteers
here were so great and helpful and cheerful. It makes you forget the suffering
a bit. One of the volunteers said we got 4.6 miles to get back around the loop.
No sweat I said to her as I smiled nervously. Thankfully this stretch was a
long leisurely almost two miles back down to the highway 9D. Some of this
section was even paved going past the ruins area. Never thought I would be
happy to see blacktop, but I was. My legs felt really tired even on this
section. This is where the whisper of a DNF entered my thoughts. I have never
had one. The battle between mind and body was on and the mind was winning.
I reached the gate at 9D and turned left back onto a wooded
trail that ran along the road. This was nice I thought, there are no rocks here
its dirt! That euphoria lasted only a few minutes when I followed the flags
back to the start of, in my opinion, the hardest climb of the 25K. This was
Beacon Mountain and it went on for an eternity. It was now hot and I was in the
sun on this mountain was nasty rocks and the higher you climbed the steeper it
got. It was close to a two mile climb pushing 1,100 ft of gain. It was relentless
and when I finally got to the top the view was another gem.
It was then a
few other runners I had caught up to on that climb pointed out that we were
actually higher then Breakneck Point. The one runner lived across the river and
new the area well so he was pointing out all kinds of interesting facts. That
was really cool and took my mind off the pain. I hung with these guys for the
next two mile descent. We hiked mostly because it was just such nasty terrain. We
ran in spurts but it was futile. I actually started to pull away from them
around mile twelve heading down to the aid station. This little stretch was
actually very runnable and I bombed it. I pulled into the aid station on empty
pretty much using way to much energy running down this last section. I was
gassed. I could feel it and I knew my day was going to end well short of my
goal. The air temperature was pushing eighty degrees and the forest was still
and suffocating. My quads really felt drained. I rarely experience that
feeling. I chalked it up to to much braking on those hard rocky descents.
“Holy Diver
You've been down too long in the midnight sea
Oh what's becoming of me, no, no!”
You've been down too long in the midnight sea
Oh what's becoming of me, no, no!”
Miles 11.5-16.7 finish
Off I went from this aid station alone. I was powerhiking
and already figured I would stop at the finish line for the 25K and not
continue. I would be content with a DNF, my first. I was only at mile eleven or
so and I was at 4 hours and slowing. I was not ready mentally or physically to
be in the woods for twelve plus hours. My initial worst case scenario was to do
the marathon in 9 hours. I was nowhere near that especially with the hardest
climb apparently on the back part of the course. The thought that I hadn’t even
seen the most difficult climb was sobering.
My goal at this point was to finish strong as best as I could and not
get injured. I was thinking maybe the road marathon I had PR’d the week prior
in Lancaster was weighing heavily on my legs. Cumulative fatigue was building
up but that’s part of the training and listening to your body was paramount at
this point rather then pushing through to the point of injury for the rest of
the season. My goal race was still seven months out and I just wasn’t going to
derail that. So DNF it would have to be as long as I can find my way out of
this buzz saw.
“The vision never dies
Life's a never ending wheel”
Life's a never ending wheel”
To get to the finish I had to make my way from the aid
station at mile 11.5 or so and climb yet again another 800 ft over the course
of the next two plus miles. I was
completely alone here and it was eerie. There was no sound in the forest at
this point and I saw no one. It was so quiet almost too quiet. I just tried to
concentrate on getting to the finish. It was all hiking at this point and I was
beaten. But on the positive side I was able to hike fairly strong through this
section. Then it was another gnarly descent that was blocking my way. I
gingerly hiked down this section to around mile 15 or so where the trail met up
again with the original climb up from the start. This last mile and half was
very runnable downhill down thru the finish area but I was gassed and only
managed occasional bursts of running. I passed only about four marathoners
making that long climb back out for the last loop for the marathon and they all
looked strong. I gave them encouragement the best I could knowing my day here
was done. I entered the power line easement trail and managed to sort of run that
then darted into the woods and out into the open field area and across the
finish. I ran right up to Ian who was cheering me on along with others and
thanked them. They then told me no DNF. They were very gracious to allow me to
drop down and finish with an official 25K time. They also had frozen smoothies
at the finish that were out of this world tasty. I was so beat I forgot to stop
my watch at the finish but I think my time should be around 5:47 for 16.5 miles
or so.
As I made the long drive south back home I tried to analyze
what exactly just happened over the last six hours. I was too tired to think
about it and I just smiled. I’ll think about it later. For now I’m just going
to sit here and drive.
Breakneck rocked! It truly is set up to be one of the best
races in the Northeast once word spreads. I know I was mesmerized by the place.
As far as the course itself, it was a soul crusher. It was everything they
billed it to be. It was beautiful, unforgiving, and outright mean and nasty.
But isn’t that what we really want as trail runners? Who wants easy, certainly
not me? Now I know what it’s like and now I know how to train for it. For such
a short distance relatively speaking it really did a number on me mentally and
physically that I did not initially anticipate. But that’s a good thing. It
good to raise the bar for yourself, otherwise you can’t have growth. It was
great training for my spring 50 miler and fall 100 miler. I got great time on
my feet and got to experience some awesome trails with some great folks. I’m
fairly certain I will sign up again next spring and make Breakneck a must
finish race at all costs. I will raise the stakes on myself and I want to
suffer on that back half and see that climb that I missed. I now have unfinished
business in Beacon New York.
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